Laser Skin Resurfacing Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Laser Skin Resurfacing Houston, TX

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to improve your skin’s appearance, our Houston laser skin resurfacing may be the right treatment for you. This advanced technique can reduce wrinkles, improve skin tone and texture, and treat acne scars and other blemishes. Dr. Sam Sukkar of The Clinic for Plastic Surgery in Houston has been providing patients with laser skin resurfacing treatments for over a decade. He and his team of certified professionals specialize in using advanced laser technology to safely and effectively rejuvenate the skin for a brighter, smoother, more youthful appearance.


Laser skin resurfacing — sometimes called a laser peel, lasabrasion, or laser vaporization — is perfect for those who are looking to reduce signs of aging, wrinkles, and fine lines. It works by using heat energy from a laser device to target specific areas on the skin. This encourages collagen production, which helps lift sagging skin, erase wrinkles and reduce age spots or other blemishes.

Laser vs IPL

When considering laser skin resurfacing, it is important to understand the difference between ablative laser and non-ablative IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments. While both are used to reduce signs of aging, laser treatment works by ablating the surface of the skin to provide more targeted resurfacing. Additionally, laser treatment is much more comfortable and requires fewer sessions than IPL, making it a better choice for many people.


Skin “imperfections” can wreak havoc on your self-esteem. Laser skin resurfacing can help improve your quality of life by making you feel great in your skin again.

This treatment can:

  • Diminish wrinkles and fine lines
  • Reduce age spots and other blemishes
  • Smooth acne scars and uneven pigmentation
  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Stimulate collagen production for longer-lasting results
  • Minimally invasive with no downtime

Ideal Candidate

If you have any of the following skin concerns, you may be a candidate for laser skin resurfacing:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Age spots and other blemishes
  • Uneven pigmentation or texture
  • Acne scars or stretch marks
  • Sagging or loose skin
  • Skin laxity

You should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for treatment outcomes. If you’d like to find out if you’d make a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sam Sukkar, can address that and any other questions you have during a consultation. Call to schedule one today!

Consultation & Preparation

At your initial consultation with Dr. Sam Sukkar, you will discuss your skincare goals and any concerns you have about the procedure. Our staff is here to answer all your questions and ensure you feel comfortable before proceeding with treatment. Before laser skin resurfacing, it’s important to avoid sun exposure as much as possible and discontinue any skin care products that contain retinoids for at least two weeks. Additionally, you should avoid waxing or harsh scrubs for one week prior to the treatment.

Procedure Details

Laser Skin Resurfacing Houston, TX

Laser skin resurfacing is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure that typically takes about one hour to complete. Though this time may vary depending on the level of treatment.

There are different levels of Laser Resurfacing. The Laser Resurfacing performed by Dr. Sukkar is done under general anesthesia, is very deep, and generally does not require re-treatment for at least 5 – 10+ years depending on how your skin ages.

Dr. Sukkar will use the laser device to target the damaged areas on your skin. The laser energy is directed onto the targeted area, removing the top layers of damaged skin cells and stimulating collagen production.

Recovery & Results

Recovery time varies from person to person, but you can expect some swelling and redness directly after the procedure.

You may also experience slight itching or tightness in the treatment area. Your skin may be slightly pink for a few days following your session, so it is important to follow your aftercare instructions closely.

It is important to protect your skin from sun exposure and use good sunscreen for at least two weeks post-procedure. You should avoid swimming or direct hot water on the treated area during this time. The results of laser skin resurfacing will become apparent within a few weeks as collagen production increases and new, healthier skin emerges.

Why Choose Dr. Sukkar?

Dr. Sam Sukkar is an award-winning, board-certified Houston plastic surgeon with a wealth of experience in laser skin resurfacing. He is committed to providing high-quality care and excellent results for all of his patients. He is well-known in Houston for his excellent approach to plastic surgery and his dedication to patient safety and satisfaction.


If you’re interested in improving the appearance of your skin with laser skin resurfacing, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you reach your aesthetic goals. Call us now at (281) 940-1535 or fill out our online contact form to get started.


Is Laser Skin Resurfacing painful? What does it feel like?

Laser skin resurfacing is relatively painless as we apply a topical numbing agent before the procedure.

What are the risks associated with Laser Skin Resurfacing?

The main risk associated with laser skin resurfacing is hyperpigmentation, which can be minimized by avoiding sun exposure and using protective sunscreen for at least two weeks after the procedure.

How long do I have to wait to apply makeup after Laser Skin Resurfacing?

It is best to wait at least a couple of weeks after laser skin resurfacing before applying makeup. In the meantime, make sure you wear sunscreen and keep your skin hydrated.

What is a good age to get Laser Skin Resurfacing?

The optimal age for laser skin resurfacing depends on the individual’s goals, skin type, and medical history.

Is Laser Skin Resurfacing permanent? Should I expect follow-up treatments?

The effects of laser skin resurfacing can be long-lasting. However, follow-up treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired results.

How much does Laser Skin Resurfacing cost?

The cost of laser skin resurfacing varies depending on the size of the treatment area and any additional treatments recommended.